Sunday, November 4, 2007

Flying Geese Tutorial

I just thought I would post pictures of how I made my flying geese. I mostly took these pics so I could go back and refer to them for next time. This is for the traditional method.

I started with a 6 1/4 quarter square triangle and two 3 3/8 half square triangles. Lay the 3 3/8 trinalge on the 6 1/4 triangle, right sides facing. It doesn't matter what side you start on.

Sew the two pieces together and press open towards the smaller triangle. Do not cut the "wings" yet.

Lay the other 3 3/8 triangle on the 6 1/4 triangle, right sides together. Sew and press open towards the smaller triangle.

Check your angles and if everything is straight cut off the wings and you'll have a perfect Flying Geese unit.

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