Saturday, October 27, 2007

Quilt for Baby S

Today I started working on the quilt for Baby S. I chose a pattern I found online called "Is it a Girl or a Boy" because it is supposed to be able to be completed quickly so you can make one each in two different color schemes. I chose to make just one in black, red, and white. I am hoping it will be neutral enough, but if I decide that it looks too girly, and Baby S turns out to be a boy, I will have to start over again. I'm willing to take this chance because I don't like most of the neutrals that are standard for baby quilts.

I ironed, starched, folded for hours today to get everything in order. I cut the blocks and triangles out and finally started sewing at 10:00pm. I haven't done a quilt with any real "design" to them since I was 16 so this is a real treat for me. I've always kind of put off working on any quilts with a pattern that calls for a lot of work... I'm too lazy. But Baby S is on the way and in 9 months I will have guilt when I look into that baby's squinty little tired eyes knowing that I slacked off.

I just finished the first block, a "Square Within a Square" set on point. It's the first time I've done this, and I am so happy that it came out so well. I have five more of these blocks to do and then I can move onto the "Pinwheel in a Star" blocks.

1 comment:

Gabe said...

"I liiiiiiiiiiike you're bloooggy tail!!"